Be considerate and polite to the people around you. No means No. Whilst within the Venue or vicinity thereof, engages in disruptive, dangerous or violent behaviour including (without limitation) throwing, casting, thrusting or propelling any object at any person, instigates violence, demonstrates racism or xenophobia, behaves in a way that any reasonable person may interpret as provocative, threatening, discriminatory and/or offensive, creates or poses any threat to the life or safety of themselves or any other person(s), or harms any other person(s) in any way, or unreasonably obstructs the viewing of other spectators;you will be removed from the event immediately.

If you feel threatened by someone, please do not hesitate to seek help from security or staff.

Any climbing on equipment, tables or restricted areas is prohibited, jumping over fences and climbing the stage without permission is strictly prohibited.

If you do not follow the rules of conduct, we reserve the right to remove you from the event.


Smoking is prohibited in all halls and is allowed only in designated smoking areas.

Electric cigarettes are allowed in the hall.


Wear whatever you want as long as it is not offensive to others.